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Micro Business

Micro business is taught and implemented in order to empower widows to support themselves.

Foster widows/guardians receive micro loans to start their businesses.  These loans have ranged from twenty dollars to two hundred dollars. The project requires the completion of a simple business plan that describes their product, costs, how they will operate, and pay back the loan. To date about 95% of the women have been successful in building their businesses and repaying their loans.  Simply using the wisdom given to them by God, from their homes they have developed enterprises, such as, baking and selling African donuts, raising and selling guinea pigs, selling flour, oil or eggs, making bags, or sewing clothes.

As a result the women reported that they could now feed all of their families on a regular basis, pay their children's tuition, pay back their loans and have money left. From the women’s faithful repayment of the loans, other women were blessed to receive a business loan.There remains a two-fold need of this Micro Enterprise program: 1) funds to make this micro enterprise available to more entrepreneurs, for the goal of changing the face of the community, and 2) to provide a culturally sensitive trainer of business practices to help the women think outside the box and grow their businesses. 

PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Recurring support of any amount helps to provide salaries for trainers and materials needed to operate their businesses.

Costs and Numbers


Cost Per Month




Wait List

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